Monday, March 1, 2010


I sit here today knowing that my bride will be home tomorrow from her work retreat/getaway. The pride comes from several things. My hard working wife who sacrifices time away for career, the boys that are going up to fine toddlers but I think mostly though my pride comes from knowing that tomorrow, I will have in my hands an “I love bacon” shirt that she has bought me. I never thought of putting this said love on the front of a 100% cotton shirt. I always thought of getting a tattoo on my love handles that said the same but I guess it is a great idea that I could wear it proud on the front of me in lieu of the back. That way people now I really mean business. Don’t let my sarcasm get lost in all of this. I will be wearing this shirt every Saturday and Sunday morning until I no longer love bacon. She just wants me to get rid of my shirt that shrunk in the wash. It did.

I will now begin my psa for the day. Do not have a party at Chucky Cheese on Sunday afternoon. If you can imagine 200 people, 90% children “locked” in a cage at the end of an Atlanta runway with lights flashing that could send the majority of the elderly community home in a bambalance. It is slightly worse than that. My suggestion, Monday evening. The parents this evening that hosted a party for #1’s friend are geniuses. The kids had a blast. It is now over.

My bros and I got drunk on Friday night and one of them talked the rest of us into a polar plunge the next day. I was hung over and it was cold. My left one dropped approximately two hours later follow shortly by righty. We did it for the Special Olympics and next year we will raise more money than just the entry fees. It was a great time.